Stroke usually occurs due to a large narrowing or closure of the lumen of the blood supplying vessel to a certain area of ​​the brain. Unfortunately, it often leads to death. What causes a stroke?

What is the stroke?

Stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is cut off. Oxygen-depleted brain cells die quickly. Someone who has suffered a stroke may lose memory or functions that the affected areas of the brain are responsible for.

Vision disorder, speech disorder, sudden facial asymmetry (e.g. drooping eyelid, drooping corner of mouth), severe headache, paresis of one part of the body – these are the most common symptoms of stroke. Stroke is the death of part of it as a result of stopping the blood supply to this area. Stroke is often called a stroke, although it is not a precise term. Only about 20 percent of strokes are actually caused by brain hemorrhage, the vast majority are the ischemic strokes mentioned earlier.

stroke causes

Stroke – causes

The causes of stroke can be different – but all of them are associated with impaired blood flow through the body. These disorders cause: embolism, blood clot, drop in blood pressure, leading to a weakening of blood circulation in specific areas of the brain.
The most important risk factors for stroke include:

  • Hypertension,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • diabetes,
  • Smoking,
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Unhealthy diet high in animal fats,
  • Overweight, obesity, inactive lifestyle

People who have had a stroke or whose relatives had a stroke in their family are also at risk. Genetic conditions that significantly affect the occurrence of the disease are important. Men over 55 are at the highest risk. What’s more, even racial conditions have an impact here – yellow and black men are more susceptible.

Stroke – symptoms

It happens that the symptoms of stroke last only a day and disappear spontaneously. We call this condition a transient ischemic attack. Unfortunately, these attacks can even happen several times in your life and ultimately lead to stroke. In the event of a transient attack, you should see a doctor who should give you a medicine that reduces the risk of the event happening again. It happens that a stroke does not make itself felt in any way, and the person does not even know that he had a stroke. A stroke can hit us at any time, although most often it is during the night.

The most common symptoms are:

  • partial paralysis
  • drooping of the corner of the mouth on the affected side,
  • meningeal symptoms e.g. neck stiffness.

Small hemorrhagic strokes are characterized by small mental disorders. Symptoms are distinguished by the location of the hemorrhage:

  • parietal lobe: there are sensory disturbances and pain in the parieto-temporal region,
  • frontal lobe: hemiparesis appears, which covers the opposite side to the one attacked by stroke, the patient also feels forehead pain,
  • occipital lobe: manifested by eye pain (on the side affected by stroke) and partial paresis,
  • temporal lobe: pain in the temporal region and quadrant amblyopia.


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