Until recently, there was a view that eggs are not very healthy and should not be eaten often. However, nutritionists now agree that the egg has such important properties that it is worth eating them every second or third day. Nutrients contained in it have an impact on the proper functioning of the body and contribute to good health. Eggs can be prepared in many ways, which makes it easy to avoid monotony. Soft-boiled eggs, stuffed eggs, omelette, scrambled eggs and Viennese eggs – these are just one of many examples of egg dishes. How much protein is in egg? Let’s find out. 

Nutrition facts of eggs

Energy value – 143/80 kcal
Total protein – 12.56 / 7.03 g
Fat – 9.51 / 5.33 g
Carbohydrates – 0.72 g / 2.11 (including simple sugars 0.40)
Fiber – 0 g

The egg is a source of wholesome protein, easily absorbed by the body. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized egg white as a standard, which is why it is used as a formula for measuring the amino acid content of other products. It is obvious that the formula always puts the best of the available forms, in the case of protein quality – the pattern is the egg.

egg protein

Protein in egg

Simply put, the egg consists of a transparent and sticky part – protein, and a small, round center, i.e. egg yolks. Chicken egg in 75% consists of water, the remaining 13% is protein, and 4% are valuable unsaturated fats and carbohydrates.

The product also has substances such as:

  • Vitamin A,
  • vitamin D,
  • Vitamin E,
  • vitamin K
  • vitamin B2,
  • vitamin B12.

By consuming eggs, we also provide the body with calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Without these minerals, many internal organs, bones and joints would not work as efficiently. Egg yolk contains especially important substances for protection against harmful factors.

Different origins of eggs available on the market

Eggs of various origins are available on the market – chicken, goose, duck, turkey, quail and even ostrich eggs. We usually choose chicken eggs, but we usually don’t have the habit of checking their condition.

It’s worth doing, because not every egg is equally tasty. When reaching for the packaging, always check not only whether the eggs are not broken, but also whether they have a smooth shell surface and whether they make a sound when shaken.

It is also worth paying attention to the markings on the shell. Class A chicken eggs are available in retail. They have stamps on the shell with information about the breeding system, the code of the country in which they were bred and the plant. The breeding system code refers to the way in which chickens are kept.0 – eggs come from organic production,
1 – free-range eggs,
2 – litter eggs,
3 – caged eggs.

Classification by weight

From August 1, 1996, Class A food eggs are classified by weight (usually indicated on the packaging) as follows:
XL – very large: 73 g and more
L – large: from 63 g to 73 g
M – medium: from 53 g to 63 g
S – small: less than 53 g.


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